On a mission to bring back great service for all!
Have a compliment or complaint for a local business? Send it to them with OwnerListens, and avoid the hassle of finding the right email, phone number or online form. You write your message, we do the work to find the owner or manager, and deliver your feedback. The response comes directly to your phone!
Engage with local businesses without sharing your contact information. On OwnerListens, you remain anonymous, and your feedback goes right to the person who matters. No more posting messages to public forums, or sharing all your contact information with businesses just to leave them feedback.
Places List
The app pre-loads businesses nearby for quick access. Find businesses farther away by clicking the search icon. Look for any business, anywhere!
Place Profile
Left swipe on any place and select the "i" icon. Youll have access to each places hours, phone number, website, directions and a map view of their location. You can even check in to the location, or set a reminder to leave feedback later!
Message List
View all your messages to (and from) owners, as well as the current message status:
Searching - were identifying the proper contact to deliver your feedback
Delivered - your message has delivered
Reminder Sent - weve reminded the owner that they need to respond to your message
Owner Responded - you have received a reply from an owner
Have a business and want to respond to customer feedback? Claim your location on www.ownerlistens.com
Welcome to the OL community! Were a group of people dedicated to getting better service, and making local businesses better too!